* 其他需要了解此主题的
本课程从处理员工关系的准则和实务技巧几个方面,具体阐述了如何对企业的员工关系进行优化。 课程大纲: 1.剖析员工关系恶化的过程
* 工作中各类冲突的起因
* 小问题为何发展成为大纠纷
* 掌握员工关系恶化的预警信号
* 人力资源部所应承担的角色
* 法律准则
- 劳动法的要点
- 工会在
* 纪律准则
- 如何制定内部
- 如何
* 伦理准则
- 企业所处的人文环境
- 企业的
* 如何缓解组织内的冲突
* 如何缓解员工的不良情绪及
* 如何提高员工的
* 如何处理违纪、协议离职和辞退等特殊状况
* 危机的预防及有效干预
* 加强员工对
* 如何建立“心理契约”
1. Analyzing how the employee relationships deteriorate
* The reasons of various conflicts at workplace
* Why the little problems become issues
* Knowing the signals of the labor relationship deterioration
* The responsibility and role of HR department
2. Three principles helping you handle employee relationships
* Legal principles
- The key points in the labor law
- The procedure of labor disputes arbitration
- The role and function of the trade union in the company
* Internal regulation
- How to establish the employee handbook
- How to implement internal discipline and regulation
* Ethic aspect
- The human environment of the company
- The social responsibility of the company
3. The practical skills of employee relationship management
* How to handle labor disputes
* How to ease internal conflicts
* How to ease employee’s emotion and stress
* How to increase employee’s satisfaction
* Demission reason analysis and retention plan
* Special situations: violation of rules, dismissal etc.
* Recognizing a crisis and implementing preventive measures
4. Creating a friendly work environment
* Getting staff’s commitment to the company culture
* How to create "psychological contract" with staff