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Value Added Sales Program | 有效增加销售业绩

培训受众: This program is useful for companies with very young sales organization. They will find this program a very comprehensive foundation to developing the right skills set to mature as successful sales team. 课程收益: Value Added Sales Program will help your sales organization by:

- Crafting an effective Value Message
- Finding clients: Meeting, Networking and Prospecting
- Presenting the Product/Service Offering: Making the "Pitch"
- Closing the Sale and Negotiating 课程大纲: Program Outline - Value Added Sales Program

Presentations (1 Day) Every time a salesperson speaks, he is making a presentation. It doesn´t matter if he is talking to a client´s receptionist or making a formal speech to 50 CEOs the basic goals, methods and skills are the same. In this one-day workshop, we will review the basics of how to develop our “value message and present it clearly and effectively.

In this workshop, the topics to be discussed are:
Structuring a presentation
One-on-one presentation
Small group or meeting room presentation
Large group presentation
Written presentation
Working with numbers
Presentation technologies

Negotiating Deal Terms (1 Day) Negotiating a deal isn´t about “tricking your opponent"; It is about finding mutually beneficial solutions to business problems. When does a negotiation begin? When you introduce yourself! When does it end? When you retire from the business! Good negotiators are creative, persuasive and goal-oriented.

In this workshop, the topics be discussed are:
Win-win, Win-Lose, Lose-Lose
Researching a deal
Determining your own goals
Determining the other side´s goals
Building your list of “negotiating points
Price versus Non-Price negotiating; and
Getting a troubled negotiation back on track.

Building & Managing Customer Networks (.5 Day) Do you have a business network or a stack of business cards? Successful networking is what separates new salespeople from “old hands." But a network isn´t just a bunch of random people that you happen to know. You have to very careful how you build, maintain and create value for your network of contacts.

In this workshop, the topics be discussed are:
Converting contacts to clients
Network with a goal
Working a room - power networks
Profiling your target customer
Maintaining contact - the informative email
Match-making - introducing contacts to other contacts
Problem-solving and networking - the secret connection

Pitching & Closing (1 Day) Sales can be described as “communicating with a business goal"; Good salesmen are good closers - they know how to “get to the YES. Pitching and closing are two of the basic skills of the sales professional - but many people misunderstand the basic idea. Truly successful salesmen are problem-solvers, and knowing how to pitch and close is knowing how to solve a specific set of problems.
In this workshop, the topics to be discussed are:
Understanding the customers needs
Defining your product´s unique value proposition
The Pitch - giving the client useful information in a useful way
Closing - helping the client help himself
Handling questions and objections
Sample closes; and
Upselling - starting a new sales