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培训受众: 企业的销售和市场人员、企业负责人,以及微营销的运营人员。 课程收益: 1、了解互联网和大数据时代对营销的作用与影响
3、掌握微博营销 / 微信营销的技巧和方法 课程大纲: 一、互联网时代的机遇和挑战
1. 微营销的优势
2. 现代营销的要素
3. 互联网微营销与传统营销的关系
- 经典的营销4P体系
- 新兴的营销4C/ 4R体系
- 新媒体如何与传统营销体系相融合?
1. 微信的特点和功能
2. 微信营销的六大利器
- 位置签名
- 二维码
- 开发平台
- 语音信息
- 漂流瓶
- 公众平台
3. 微信营销在本行业的现状和发展空间
- 本行业的微营销现状
- 竞争对手的成功实践
- 本公司有哪些可以提升的空间?
4. 案例分析

1. 内容为王
2. 积极互动
3. 线上与线下的有机结合(O2O)
2.执行力工具介绍 – 行动计划
4.各小组制定行动计划 介绍:   张岚老师拥有上海财经大学MBA学位,并在上海大学国际商学院获得学士学位。1994-2009年期间,她曾先后供职于通用电气中国(GE)、飞利浦中国和国内上市公司,任总经理、业务总监等高层管理工作。她带领数百人的团队,在管理、市场和销售等领域具有丰富的实战经验和心得。她亲身经历了国内外企业的不同文化和运作模式, 扎实的管理理论、丰富的企业实战、十几年的兼职内训师和专职讲师经验,为她的授课沉淀了深厚的基础。张老师有很强的亲和力,课堂上与学员高度互动,能快速的给予学员心理安全,让学员很自然的敞开心扉,分享自己的体验和困境,从而建立轻松,积极的学习氛围。她坚持咨询式培训,即每次课程都会根据企业的实际情况,量身定制,使课程尽量贴近企业的需求。张老师注重以学员为中心,根据学员的不同背景,在知识性、实用性、趣味性等方面精心设计课程。帮助学员提升行为意识,强化人际能力,提高工作和生活效能,从而帮助组织提升团队合作水平和绩效。张老师的内训课程,无论是营销方面还是通用管理,都是为企业量身定制的。 张老师在销售和市场领域实践多年,深感业务是企业发展的引擎。所有的培训,都必须以企业战略为导向、为业务发展服务、并落地转化为行为的转变和业绩的提升。因此,张老师除了内训需求调研,还会调研企业的行业特征、市场地位、主要竞争对手、销售渠道等业务状况,并选用行业或企业的案例来进行分析讨论,力求有的放矢、贴近企业现状。根据企业需要,张老师在课后可以提供后续的顾问和咨询服务,帮助企业把培训成果落地。

 在培训中通过有效的观察,干预,演练等方法实现学员在行为层面的改变。
 根据授课内容以及学员的特点,灵活运用4种教学方法分别为讲授,顾问,引导和教练进行授课.
 能将教练技术应用于培训中,在培训过程中实践教练技术的‘提问、倾听,给人力量“的核心理念。


专业销售技巧 (PSS)
工作经历:职业、咨询顾问、上海海得控制系统股份有限公司集团业务总监、通用电气(GE)工业与消费品集团 中国区销售总经理、环球迈特照明有限公司、亚太区市场销售总监、飞利浦照明中国集团、供应链经理、大区销售经理、全国市场经理




Facilitator Profile: Lilian Zhang
Lilian gained MBA degree from Webster University and Shanghai Financial & *******nomics University in*******. She got her BA degree in*******, from International Business Institute of Shanghai University. During*******-2009, Lilian worked in various multi-national companies including GE , Philips, etc., as senior leader. Her career experience includes Sales GM in GE China, and business directors, leading teams of hundreds members. Since*******, Lilian has been an independent trainer and consultant.
Lilian has rich experience in management and sales / marketing, as well as ample theories and knowledge. She experienced cross-culture in both international and local listed companies. Decades of managerial and training experience make a solid foundation of her courses.
Lilian is a nice and friendly trainer, who insists on active interaction with her audience, and is able to relax them rapidly. She keeps establishing comfortable and active learning atmosphere, so that everybody is willing to share his / her experience and confusion. Lilian insists on consulting style training, i.e., she will customize her training contents and methods, subject to different clients’ business and demands. She carefully designs her courses per different background of her audience, to make sure each course is interesting, attractive and effective, so as to contribute to business growth for her clients.
Lilian’s advantages:
To change trainees’ behavior through various methods such as effective observation, interference and practices.
To flexibly adjust training methods of teaching, consulting, steering and coaching, subject to course contents and audience background.
Lilian is willing to share her decades of experience and knowledge, to facilitate her audience for better know-how and practice competence.
Lilian is able to apply coaching skills in her courses, by “asking, listening , empowering” practices.
Lilian’s training courses major in:
 Professional Selling Skills (PSS)
 Commercial Communication & Negotiation Skills
Sales of Industrial (B2B) Products
Sales Management
Development & Management of Sales Channels
Working Experience:*******– till nowProfessional Trainer and Consultant, freelancer*******–*******Business Director --- Shanghai Hightech Control system Group*******–*******China Sales GM --- GE Consumer & Industrial Group*******–*******Asia Sales & Marketing Director --- Universal Lighting Co., Ltd.*******–*******National Marketing Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Sales Logistics Manager --- Philips Lighting China Group
Educational Background:*******, MBA, Shanghai Finance & *******nomics University*******, BA, Shanghai Universtiy
Lilian’s clients include:
Ingersoll Rand, LG Electronics, Kawata Machinery, China *******, Honeywell, Chang An Motor, Shanghai INESA Group, HP China, 3M China, DHC, SAIC Motors,Bao Steel, Huayi Group, Double Coin Holdings,Suning Electric Appliance, TUV SUD China, SIPG Logistics, Dupont, Lafarge, DKSH, Fujizerox, Shanghai Volkswagon, Shanghai Electric, Industrial Securities, China Union Pay, Fedo Electric Appliance, York *******, *******, Konka Group, XCMG Group, HEP ,etc.